My Story
Our team is made up of all types, from around the world. Stay at home parents, nurses, teachers, and retirees are a part of the ScentSeller team. There is not a 'type' of person you have to be, in order to build a successful Scentsy business. We are here to help you meet your goals and achieve individual dreams. Building a team is hands down my favorite part of Scentsy. I find so much JOY in rejoicing in the small accomplishments of everyone on my team. I love the enthusiasm of the new consultants and the infectious vibe they bring to the team. I love watching marriages be saved, confidences be restored, and relationships strengthened all because Scentsy gives us an identity and a positive outlet.
- Choose your own hours! You can run your Scentsy business online, in the evenings, with home parties, events, or just incorporate it into your daily life. There are no requirements on how many hours or when you work.
- You are your own boss! Be there for your children, parents, full time job, etc while having a successful business.
-Earn Income! With Scentsy you can make extra money while earning free product if you are looking for a hobby ... OR earn residual income by treating Scentsy as your business. Many like myself have replaced a corporate income.
- You get to be yourself! There are no requirements to wear a uniform, look a certain way, or use scripted words. This your business, that encourages YOU to be YOU.
-Travel! You will have the opportunity to earn multiple free trips all over the world, including cruises, as well as attend training and conventions all over the world.
- The ScentSeller Team will support you every step of the way. You receive a free personal website ($9.99 after the first three months), world class training, live phone/online support, and direct contact with us for additional support.
I am confident it is a decision you will never regret! Contact me to discuss the opportunities the ScentSeller Team has to offer.
Vanessa Dancer
The ScentSeller Mission Statement:
To love and serve our family, team, and community as independent business people. We focus on creating balance in work, play, and giving back to the community - while encouraging others to do the same.